
  • 人工智能系统
    (Principal Engineer / Senior Lead Engineer / Senior Engineer)


    • Responsible for the design, modelling & simulation, implementation, verification and optimization of AI accelerator and system.
    • Develop leading-edge vision algorithms, FPGA/ASIC solutions, or application system software and firmware for different kinds of AI accelerators and systems used in smart city and industry 4.0.
    • Work with marketing and technology transfer team to prepare engineering prototypes and conduct on-site tests.


    • Degree holders (Bachelor/Master/Ph.D.) in Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Information Engineering, or related fields with minimum of 3 years related experience.
    • For Software engineer: Strong programming skills in at least one of the following languages: C, C++, Python. Experience with DL frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Caffe is a plus.
    • For Hardware engineer: Experience in Verilog/VHDL hardware design and  FPGA/ASIC prototyping & debugging.
    • Proficiency in written and spoken English.
    • Lives ASTRI values.
    • Good communication and interpersonal skills, a good team player.
  • 电力电子工程
    (Senior Manager / Principal Engineer / Associate Principal Engineer / Senior Lead Engineer / Lead Engineer)


    • Responsible for the product designs of advanced semiconductor (including Si, SiC, GaN) based power modules, power systems, or energy storage systems, including all facets of the design flow, from schematics to layout, from component selection to final verification.
    • Develop leading-edge electric, electronics, thermal, mechanical, or materials solutions for different kinds of power modules, power systems, or energy storage systems for various smart city and industry 4.0 related applications.
    • Work with marketing and technology transfer team to prepare engineering prototypes and conduct on-site tests.


    • Degree holders (Bachelor/Master/Ph.D.) in Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, or related fields with minimum of 3 years related experience.
    • Experiences in the package/module designs (e.g., electric, electronics, thermal, mechanical, or materials), power electronics products (e.g., DC/DC converters, AC/DC converters), or energy storage systems (e.g., battery module, pack, AGV).
    • Good communication and interpersonal skills, a good team player.
    • Proficiency in written and spoken English.
    • Lives ASTRI values.
  • 集成电路设计
    (Senior Manager / Principal Engineer / Associate Principal Engineer / Senior Lead Engineer / Lead Engineer)


    • Responsible for schematics and layout design of digital, RF, analog, mixed signal, or power IC, including all facets of the design flow, from schematics to layout, from initial floor-planning to final verification.
    • Develop algorithms, building blocks, firmwares, SoC, or testing solutions for various smart city and industry 4.0 related applications.
    • Work with marketing and technology transfer team to prepare engineering prototypes and conduct on-site tests.


    • Degree holders (Bachelor/Master/Ph.D.) in Electronic Engineering or related fields with minimum of 3 years related experience.
    • Extensive experiences in digital, RF, analog, mixed signal, or power IC design. Familiar with EDA Tools (e.g., Cadence/ Mentor/ Synopsys). Rich programming knowledge such as C/C++, Python, Matlab, Verilog, Skill, or TCL is preferred.
    • Good communication and interpersonal skills, a good team player.
    • Proficiency in written and spoken English.
    • Lives ASTRI values.
  • 内地专才来港就业


    • 输入内地人才计划前来香港特别行政区就业的专业人士。具备香港特区所需而又缺乏的特别技能、知识或经验内地中国居民,可根据输入内地人才计划申请来港工作。输入内地人才计划并无配额限制,亦不限行业。
    • 根据输入内地人才计划来港就业的申请人,可按香港特区现行受养人政策,申请携同其配偶,及18岁以下未婚的受养子女来港。


    • 科技人才入境计划旨在透过快速处理安排,供合资格公司申请输入非本地科技人才到香港特区从事研发工作。
    • 合资格公司须先申请配额,获创新科技署发出配额的公司可相应地于为期12个月的配额有效期内为合资格人士申请工作签证/进入许可。
    • 申请人持有具特别认受性的大学所颁授的科学、科技、工程或数学(「STEM」)学科学位。
    • 持有硕士或博士学位者无需工作经验,而持有学士学位者则须具备最少一年在相关科技范畴的工作经验。
    • 根据「科技人才入境计划」来港的人士,如在香港连续通常居住不少于七年,可依香港法例申请香港特区居留权。


  • 亚洲最具活力的创业之地,在金融科技、零售科技、医疗技术、物联网、智慧城市技术等领域初创企业的数量均快速增。
  • 世界级的研究人员。
  • 友善开放的初创企业网络作后盾。
  • 创新及科技基金下的各项资助及支援计划取得资助